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Dog Ownership Day 2007
October 7, 2007, Central Park,
Bandar Utama |

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and Competition
of prizes to be won.
Overall Top Winner to win RM 300 Cash and RM 100
Voucher (from www.PetsPlace.com.my
) + Dog
Food + Dog Biscuit
of each game will collect 10 points. First and
2nd runner up will collect 8 and 6 points
participating team to consist of a dog and the
dog is allowed to participate in all the games
for only one time.
team that collected the most points will be the
Overall Winner.
The decision by the Judge and Game Committee is
- Dog
Recall Game
Is your dog good in recall ? Here come the
Recall game with a road block. Let see how much
a block can deter your dog from listening to
owner's command.
- Fastest Eating Duo
Eat to your heart content ! Race with your owner to be one of the fastest eating team in this competition.
2 Category : Large under 1 group, Med & Small under 1 group
Portion of the food will be based on their size.
Owner is to eat 1st then their dog. Once finish needs to raise up their hands to let the games committee knows.

- Weave
& owner team to run around the 6 weaving
cones (two way) together side by side (With or
without your leash) and a cup of water on the
owners hand. This will test how good a team work
with your dog will be. The fastest timed team
with the least spill out water will be the
winner of this game. Fast n Steady that's the
trick …
- Footy
Fun Run
Dog & owner
team on leash. Owner is to kick a ball in a
straight line towards the end finish line. If at
any point the ball roll over the sidelines, or
the dog go after the ball and bite it, the owner
have to restart all over again at the starting
line with their dog. The balls to be used for
the game will be provided by the organizer.

- Simon
Let your dog prove how
clever she or he is by sitting when you say
"sit", lying down when you say
"down" and "come". This will
test how obedient your dog is and this is a ONE
COMMAND contest. Those who qualify round 1 will
compete in round 2 : Do it when your eyes are
closed, your back is to the dog with the
wonderful treats distraction lying around.
- Dog
Best Fashion
Dog that is dressed most creatively will be win
the contest.

- Mummy
Wrap Rap
"go," each team wraps their mummy
starting from the hind legs onwards. Don't wrap
the paw, mouth, or eyes. When the mummy is
wrapped to the top of the neck, he is complete.
Once he's totally wrapped, the mummy and owner
starts running. The first mummified team to
cross the line and back is on the winning team.
On your marks, get set, WRAP your mummy

- Musical Chair
Music stars, have a breeze walk with your dog and when the music stops owner have to issue the command - SIT / DOWN stay the dog before going for the chairs available respectively. Have to walk at behind the white line circle. At any point in time, the dog needs to be on the sit/down command without moving out of position.



