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Canidae Pet Food

CANIDAE Testimonials

"They sold me CANIDAE for Willy"

Willy the dog, 11 years old, had been fed grocery store foods, the Vet. had offered no help other than to switch to another brand of grocery foods. John asked, the Pet Professionals at Farm Supply in Paso Robles , CA. for help with his dogs condition, They sold me CANIDAE for Willy. This is the results in only 45 days on CANIDAE Dry food only. Willy looks and feels 100% better!!!

Thank you CANIDAE,
Willy and John Sarver

Before Feeding Canidae

After Feeding Canidae

"Beau's coat is thick and shiny and his eyes are bright"

Before Feeding CanidaeI am writing you this letter to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the quality dog food you make available to pet owners.

In December 2002, I went to a local animal emergency care facility to take a photo (to put him up for adoption) of a stray Australian Shepherd who a good Samaritan had brought in. When I arrived, the technician brought out the most pathetic, sickly looking dog I had ever seen. He had open sores from his mouth to is tail. His coat was missing in several places and he was emaciated. Pretty much near death. When he saw me, he lifted his infected head, stood up on his back legs and wrapped his front paws around me. Needless to say, I took him home. I named him Beau.

Since bringing Beau home, we have made countless visits to the vet, the animal hospital, and the doggie dermatologist. After many, many, treatments of prescribed medication, all but his ears, the top of his head, and random skin eruptions were healed… but nothing would totally heal him. His ears were literally rigid because of the scabs. I kept the breakout of new sores under control with a colloidal silver spray every night, but as I said, new sores kept coming. He got healthier, but not WELL.

After Feeding CanidaeDuring this 12 month period, I tried various dog foods hoping they might have a positive effect. Some were recommended by the vet, some by friends, and some I just tried out of desperation. But again, nothing changed.

In late December of 2003, my daughter suggested I try Canidae, she had heard it was a very good food and thought it might help Beau. I bought a 40 lb bag (I have three dogs) and began feeding it to my two large dogs.

Now, for the reason I was motivated to write you. From the first week I started feeding him Canidae, he began to get better. It is now Thursday, February 12, 2004 and Beau’s ears and the top of his head are almost totally cleared up. There is even some fine hair growing where there were nothing but sores and scabs. His ears are soft and almost 100% normal. Something I thought would never occur. His coat is thick and shiny and his eyes are bright and happy for the first time since I adopted him. You have cured something that all the medication and so called healthy dog food could not touch.

Thank you !!!

Larry Forszen

"You make a great dog food"

Our Ridgeback puppy is now 10 months old and Candidae is her dog food (her breeders' also - they recommended it to us). 
See attached photo taken at 9 months winning BOS over specials and major points.  Tori did that once before at 6 months!  She's never been on supplements, just Candidae.  We think that is a compliment to your company.

Thank you,

John & Judy Kuplent
& Triggerhill's Notorius Doubletake - "Tori" Breeder and Co-Owners - The Scattini Family, Triggerhill Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Nipomo, CA. Co-Owners - John & Judy Kuplent, Tehachapi, CA

"Her coat is extremely soft and shiny"

It has been one year since our beloved Golden Retriever died. Throughout her life she suffered from allergies (which at one point caused her to lose most of her hair) and ear infections which eventually caused her to become deaf. I never realized that the supposed "high quality" dog food we were feeding her from the time she was a puppy was the cause of her sufferings. When it came time to bring another golden into our lives, I started to research web sights regarding nutrition and dogs. That's when I came upon your web sight, and I am so thankful I did! Canidae provides the real story about dog nutrition. The testimonials given by other dog owners helped to convince me about what your product did for their dogs.

Our new addition is almost 1 year old and has been eating Canidae since she was 3 months. Her coat is extremely soft and shiny and she is the picture of health. I'm getting the word out to other dog owners I know, because their dogs deserve to have the best nutrition available. Thank you

Jeri Enk

"Winner Dog"

Here is a picture of my bulldog and my daugther. Benya ate Canidae All Stage for 1 year. No allergy no problems. Benya won recently "Winner Dog" at "Las Vegas Bulldog Speciality Show".

After switching to Canidae, my beagle has not had his ears cleaned in three months!!! This from a beagle who had to have his ears cleaned at least weekly and was constantly scratching them!

My boxer had hot spots on her paws and was constantly licking. Her hot spots are gone and her white paws are back and look perfect!

Thank you for a terrific product--I am highly recommending it!

Heather Smith

"I switched to CANIDAE and the problem stopped"

My groomer recommended CANIDAE when I told her that our Rottie had been scratching alot. She said that maybe he was allergic to the additives in his dog food. I switched to CANIDAE and the problem stopped. An added benefit is that his coat shines like it never has. Thank you for a wonderful product. He loves the treats too. They are a great addition to his meals. I recommend CANIDAE to all my friends now.

Denise Tilley

"The Vet. raves about her skin and coat"

I want to thank you for producing a magnificent product.  Our young GSD, soon to be 1-1/2 years old, has been raised on Canidae dry dog food, and the results have been outstanding.  The Vet. raves about her skin and coat, she has never had any hot spots or other problems, and she has boundless energy.  She is the epitome of good health.  We live in the country, with many animals around, and she is the first GSD (we've had from one to three of them in our lives for the past 30 years) who has 1) not had hot spots during the first year and a half, 2) not ever had diarrhea, and 3) had such a completely nutritional diet such as to never eat the droppings of horses, goats, deer, etc.  We think this is all the result of the Canidae food.  Thanks for making it.

Best regards,
David Baskett
Bluebird Haven Ranch
Meridian, Texas

Good Day!!

I would just like to let you know that I first heard about CANIDAE from a lady in the states, as I live in Canada. We were going to be purchasing a Golden Retriever a few years back. I was researching the dog food lines, for just the right requirements for our new puppy. After length long research from web, sites, to reading all of the packaging on every dog food out there. To notice that most of the foods are not even fit for your dog. They contain the worst preservable things inside, along with ingredients not fit for a healthy dog. When this lady I spoke to over the phone, mentioned to me, how to get CANIDAE to come to Canada. I was so very pleased once it came to my store after a very long and lengthy process. I CAME ACROSS CANIDAE. CANIDAE is the most wonderful product for your dog, to eat. I was especially looking for the 4 meats groups, no preservatives, omega 3 and 4. Along with chelted minerals, and probiotics. Well, CANIDAE MEET AND QUALIFIED FOR MY NEW PUPPY. I only wish people would pay some kind of attention to what is inside the dog foods out there today. As they are not fit for any dog, what so ever. I have had my Golden retriever on it now, since it finally made its way into Canada, after my long and length process of my store owner, to get in touch with there suppliers,,, and he has been on it since. He has a lovely coat, great weight, small sized stools and, never have had any problems what so ever, with hot spots, which Goldens are prone too. He is lively, and in excellent health. Never with any sickness, ever. And I know that it is all due to the CANIDAE excellent dog food that I am providing for my Golden Retriever, which is now 4 years old. Before CANIDAE he still was on a holistic food,,,,, excellent product too, which was Innova, but CANIDAE, ingredients are superior to the Innova that I used to feed my golden before. I try to explain, the differences to people I met which have a loving pet. What a harm they are doing by feeding a regular processed dog food. My only regret is I wish the owners of there pets, which pay more attention to the nutritional requirements for there pet. Before feeding the terrible other dog foods out there. I can't convince everyone to pay attention, to change. But I try my best any ways. To provide people with my knowledgeable information and the look of my dog. Which I receive so many compliments on, his coat, etc., when people see me walking him. I owe it all to his food, CANIDAE. I am very pleased with CANIDAE and wanted to let you know that my Golden Retriever "SPORT" enjoys his meals too. Ps: Just a thought, please think of resealable bags, that would be great !!

Thanks so much,

Susan Grydzan & Sport

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