Toy Group
Height: 6-7 in
Weight: 3-7 lbs.

Pomeranian's temperament is one that is bright and
spirited, smart, outgoing, happy, energetic, and
Originated from Pomerania, Germany, about a century ago.
The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family
of dogs. These dogs are of the northern Spitz type, and
bred down in size. This breed descended from Iceland and
Lapland dogs. They were larger at one time; they once
weighed over twenty pounds. A long time has passed since
their ancestors pulled sleds or did work as herders of
reindeer. They are now a great companion dog.
The Pomeranian is an ideal pet for singles and the elderly
since most tend to be one-person dogs; they are not
well-suited for households with children. Their small
stature makes them too fragile for small children to
handle. Fair with very young children. They can do well
with older children that are gentle with them and it is
recommended that they be raised and socialized with
children from puppyhood.
They are great indoor dogs, especially for those in homes
without a yard or for those who live in an apartment.
Pomeranians love to be pampered by their owner, preferring
to be on your lap rather than by your feet. The Pomeranian
needs some training, and if allowed the opportunity, will
train the owner! Training: socialization and obedience.
This breed needs to be trained with patience and kindness.
They respond well to obedience training. Their long,
straight coat needs to be groomed two to three times a
week and at a minimum once weekly. This breed does shed.
Their doublecoat has a dense and soft undercoat. The
outercoat is straight and the texture is harsh. Plumed
tail lies flat upon their back. Color: black, black/tan,
chocolate, red, orange, cream, orange-sable, wolf sable,
blue, parti-color, brindle. Due to its small size, it only
needs minimal daily exercise. Pomeranians prefer to be
indoors (they need to live and sleep indoors). They make
good alarm dogs, sounding a bark when danger lurks nearby.
Good with dogs and pets within the home, fairly aggressive
with strange dogs. Possible
health concerns: eye infections, skin conditions, slipped
stifle, heart disease, gum and tooth problems.