Toy group
Height: 8-11 in
Weight: 8-10 lb

friendly, stubborn, strong-willed, tough, bright, elegant
Origin: France during the 1600Æs. The Papillon makes a
delightful companion for singles as well as for the
elderly. This little dog does not require much in the form
of daily exercise, so they are perfect for families living
in apartments or homes lacking a yard. The Papillon's coat
is long, fine and silky with fringing upon the legs,
chest, tail and ears. They require regular grooming, just
enough attention to keep coat from tangling. They shed
minimally. The Papilla’s coat color: parti-color or
white with patches of any color. Colored markings upon the
head are symmetrical. The ears of the Papillon stand
erect, with quite a bit of fringing hanging from the ears.
The name, Papillon, means butterfly in French. The name is
due to the shape of their ears. There are two types of
ears, drop ears (known as the Phalene) and erect ears (Papillon).
Both ear types are large with rounded tips. The drop eared
variety holds the ears close to the sides of the head. The
tail is carried over the back and is curled. Training:
early socialization and consistent obedience. This breed
truly benefits from obedience training, they become much
more confident. The Papillon can be challenging to
housetrain. Good with older children and does the best
when raised with children from puppyhood. Owners need to
prevent this little dog from leaping off of tall furniture
due to the possibility of fractures. Should sleep and live
indoors. Sounds a warning bark at the approach of
strangers, or upon hearing strange sounds. Can be a
barker. Good with pets, aggressive toward strange dogs.