
Collie originates from Scotland where it has been used as
an excellent herder of sheep since before the 14th
Century. The original ancestors of the breed were brought
to Britain during the Roman Invasion, and later, invading
Picts and Scots brought the breed up north to Scotland.
The intelligent sheepherder emerged in this area; hence,
Scotland is considered the place of origin for this breed.
References from the 16th Century depict the dogs capably
herding, guarding and driving flocks of sheep.
- 26" (61 - 61cm) for dogs, 22 - 24" (55.9 -
55.9cm) for bitches
- 75 lbs (26.8 - 26.8 kg) for dogs, 50 - 65 lbs (22.3 -
22.3 kg) for bitches
The Rough coat is long, abundant, straight and harsh to
the touch. The undercoat is soft, woolly and extremely
dense. The coat is most profuse on chest and neck, and on
tail and hindquarters. The acceptable color combinations
include Blue Merle, Sable and White, Tricolor, and White.
Grooming is a frequent chore and requires thorough
brushing to rid coat of dead hair and prevent mats;
shedding can also be a problem.
The Collie is friendly, watchful and easy to train. He is
a personable dog and is especially patient with children,
making him an excellent choice for growing families.
Prone to eye problems; epilepsy is suspected to have a
genetic component in this breed.
Despite the fact that the breed has been around for
centuries, it was often considered common and familiar.
Its popularity mushroomed however in the Victorian era
when the Queen herself was greatly impressed by this
hardworking herder and saw its potential as a showdog. She
brought some back with her to the Royal Kennels and since
then, the dog has become a favorite the world over.
Stories about the breed and the subsequent
"Lassie" movies furthered the breed's popularity
as well.
AKC: Group 7 - Herding Dogs
CKC: Group 7 - Herding Dogs
KC: Non-Sporting - Working Group
FCI: Group 1
ANKC: Group 5 - Working Dogs